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Plant something.

Plant something!

Yes, I know ugh! Who has time to have a garden? Is there not enough mommy guilt?

Let me be the first to say that I DON'T! I wish I could say I have a beautiful flourishing garden growing in my backyard and my kids eat fresh every day, but we don't. I am not suggesting you do that either (unless of course you wanted to).

I am saying plant some of the seeds from the fruits and veggies that you are buying. It is easy and important. When your children are involved with the process of planting the seeds and watching them grow a plant, their interest is sparked. They will want to taste what they have created. They will try new food items easier just because they are growing them.

Some schools are even doing amazing things:

Stephen Ritz, a famous teacher in New York, started gardening because of his students. His impact factor from some small seeds led him all the way to inspiring TED talks and many other endeavors. I feel his most impactful work has been to help children have healthy food choices. Gardening in schools has been proven to decrease children's risk for obesity. I feel Mr. Ritz has saved many children from childhood obesity and diabetes by teaching them how to grow food. Please, listen to his TED talk! It's worth the time!! I hope your children and mine meet people just like Mr. Ritz to encourage them and teach them that there is no limit on what we are able to accomplish in life and with just a handful of seeds. So we should all ASK our schools what they are doing!! (I called mine and I will keep you updated on what they say!)

At my house nothing actually grows big enough to eat (so far) but they have lots of fun taking out the seeds, planting them, and watching them sprout. After we started this process my daughter begged me to buy a lime tree. (I was reluctant, but it is growing some tiny limes, so maybe we will be successful!) As you can see my lack of having a green thumb is not stopping my children from getting excited about growing food.

YouTube can great source of information on how you can do anything, gardening included. However, I understand that we all have to pick and choose where we vest our time and for me working and “momming” is all I have time to do.

So, find a seed and plant something with your kids and post your pictures!!! Remember to tag us on FB because we want to see them!

Plant a seed, grow some food, and share the love!

Have a great week!

Dr P

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